Child ADHD Self-Test

active child with frustrated mother, child adhd self-test, kalamazoo, mi

Child Self-Assessment

The Child Self-Assessment is made up of 7 questionnaires. Following each questionnaire, you can click submit for scoring results and links for the remaining questionnaires. Questionnaires may be completed in any order.

#1 ADHD  •  #2 Oppositional Defiant Disorder  •  #3 Conduct Disorder  •  #4 Separation Anxiety Disorder #5 Overanxious Disorder  •  #6 Major Depressive Episode  •  #7 Dysthymia
ADHD (#1): Which of the following is considered to be a significant problem at the present time:

Required fields are marked *

1.Fidgets *
2.Difficulty remaining seated *
3.Easily distracted *
4.Difficulty awaiting turn *
5.Often blurts out answers to questions before they have been completed *
6.Difficulty following instructions *
7.Difficulty sustaining attention *
8.Shifts from one activity to another *
9.Difficulty playing quietly *
10.Often talks excessively *
11.Often interrupts or intrudes on others *
12.Often does not listen *
13.Often loses things *
14.Often engages in physically dangerous activities *

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